Served 132 Families Today!

Served 132 families today. We have a request — many Faith Food Friday recipients who are struggling need the very basics….if you have any extra soaps, shampoos, toilet paper etc. it would be gratefully received by our neighbors who need help. Drop them off...
Dayspring Outreach

Dayspring Outreach

Ben, Robert and Pastor Bob road tripped it up to Sacramento to receive the Dayspring Outreach coats, hats, gloves, socks and hats today and extend many thanks and God’s blessings to CEO Waymon Logan. See everyone this Friday!
Summer of Praise 2012 -Update

Summer of Praise 2012 -Update

Summer of Praise 2012 was OFF THE HOOK yesterday, with the Celebrate Recovery Worship Team, Peace Gospel Group and Emissary Band providing musical excellence and special speakers from City Impact, SF to get us motivated to SERVE the community! (See more pictures on...
Week 3!

Week 3!

Week 3 of the Independence From Hunger campaign at Grocery Outlet on Admiral Callahan – come see us next Saturday, support us in the fight to end hunger and grab a delicious $1 hot dog with free soda!
125 Families Served!

125 Families Served!

125 families served on a day when our church family is saddened by the going home of Pastor Reuel’s father, Pastor Leo. An all-community volunteer crew did the job, love you guys/gals!